Can hair feel pain? According to startling new research the answer is a definite yes. "Not only does hair feel pain, we've captured their faint screams on the latest generation of digital recorders." said a visibly shaken Mike Norton, who heads up the research department for the Center of Previously Unknown Sentient Things, or C.O.P.U.S.T as it's better known. "I feel just awful." Mike said as he brushed his ever growing bangs away from his eyes. "It puts me... well, us in a very delicate situation." As we talked from inside a coffee shop, a young gentleman walked in sporting a "high and tight" and I watched as Mr. Norton grew visibly upset. "You see that kid over there?" he asked as he slammed his cup of joe onto the table. "That kid is a sadistic son of a bitch and he doesn't even know it!" his voice quivering at the thought of the young mans hair screaming in pain as it gently drifted to the ground. "That's what makes it so hard." he whispered with a blank look on his face. "What's that?" I asked, leaning in to hear. "The fact that it takes them so long to hit the ground, they have time to think about it. If you or I jump, it's over in a second." "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said "And if the hair should catch some wind..." I stopped myself. "Oh god, I need some air." Mike gasped as he got up and headed for the door. I followed him outside, he was clearly upset. "I'm gonna have to reschedule this interview." Mike told me as he started back towards C.O.P.U.S.T's laboratories. As I watched him walk away I reached up and plucked a hair from my head. I got nothing.
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