Spokesmen for Norm Coleman and Al Franken announced on Friday that the two senate candidates have agreed to settle their dispute with a cock fight.
Rusty Griswold, spokesman for Norm Coleman said allowing the trained roosters to, "Battle 'till the death, or at least until either Coleman or Franken steps in and calls the fight." was the, "Fairest way possible." to settle the ongoing battle for the only remaining senate seat from last falls election. Franken spokesman, Stan Goetz added, "We believe we will emerge victorious, our boy doesn't f*** around." referring to their prized rooster, Pico who recently resumed training in Minneapolis after being brought up from Yucatan, Mexico. Griswold was quick to counter, "We feel after you see Diablo you will be addressing all of your letters, Dear senator Coleman." referring to the mammoth rooster from the Coleman camp who has signed up to fight for the republican ticket.
Diablo's trainer, Hector Ruiz said, "We don't need no stinkin' handouts, Diablo will do it on his own." showing the republican streak that runs through the whole Coleman cock camp. Meanwhile, as if right on cue over at the Franken training facility, Pico injured his beak during a mid-morning sparring session, once again opening up the debate on universal health care coverage. "When Al is your senator, he will make it a priorty to ensure that all animal athletes' injuries are covered." Goetz proudly announced, referring to the Lethargic Animals Mending Effortlessly act, or L.A.M.E, which is the bill that Franken authored while waiting for the recount of absentee ballets.
The fight, which will be made legal for one night only, got the blessings of animal rights group PETA. "I have to admit, I'm a little bit excited!" giggled PETA spokeswoman Gretechen Halverson. The fight which is scheduled for May 28th on Pay Per View, is expected to be 2nd in the all time money making category for the cable/satellite channel, behind Wrestle mania 63.
Too funny!
You had me at the headline!:)
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