Evidently not realising that the guitar-synthesizer has been lame from the time it first came out in the mid 80's, Carl Bruchberg of Allentown Pa. is the last known person to actually play the "instrument" in public. "It makes me look pretty cool." Bruchburg announced, clueless to the snickering going on around him. "I heard of another guy somewhere in Texas who played one until 1997, I guess he couldn't hang with the big dog." Bruchburg said in total seriousness.
Bruchburg was referring to Tom Blake, an Austin TX native who had a 'Flock of Seagulls' cover band for an inappropriate amount of time. Blake refused all interviews, instead sending an email that stated "Those were very dark times in my life. I apologize to anyone I may have hurt through my use of the synth-guitar or by me playing that horrible,horrible music." When I asked Bruchburg where he got his passion to play the guitar-synth, he broke into the theme from Miami Vice and yelled, "The same place Crockett and Tubbs got their passion for cleaning up Miami!" The Members Only jacket wearing uber nerd was referring to the 80's crime show that featured synthesizers prominently in its soundtrack.
As the unholy sounds continued to radiate from a small amplifier on the ground, a passer by threw change into a hat. "This is to stop! For Gods sake we have a baby!" the angry man yelled before briskly walking away with his wife and screaming child. "Could DaVinci not paint?" Bruchberg asked me as he added a little electronic pitch bend to the last string of notes he was playing.
I looked down at the page of questions I had yet to ask, "Well, I think I'm done here." I told the pseudo musician, not wanting to risk having to endure another "performance." As I shook his hand, I looked him right in the eye and lied, "Thanks Carl, it's been fun." "I'm here every Tuesday and Thursday weather permitting." he reminded me as I turned to leave. "I'll be back." I said, no longer able to look him in the eye.
As I was walking away, the opening notes of "Cars" by 80's super creep Gary Neuman began to fill the air. "You got out just in time." I said to myself.
Others weren't so lucky.
Bruchburg was referring to Tom Blake, an Austin TX native who had a 'Flock of Seagulls' cover band for an inappropriate amount of time. Blake refused all interviews, instead sending an email that stated "Those were very dark times in my life. I apologize to anyone I may have hurt through my use of the synth-guitar or by me playing that horrible,horrible music." When I asked Bruchburg where he got his passion to play the guitar-synth, he broke into the theme from Miami Vice and yelled, "The same place Crockett and Tubbs got their passion for cleaning up Miami!" The Members Only jacket wearing uber nerd was referring to the 80's crime show that featured synthesizers prominently in its soundtrack.
As the unholy sounds continued to radiate from a small amplifier on the ground, a passer by threw change into a hat. "This is to stop! For Gods sake we have a baby!" the angry man yelled before briskly walking away with his wife and screaming child. "Could DaVinci not paint?" Bruchberg asked me as he added a little electronic pitch bend to the last string of notes he was playing.
I looked down at the page of questions I had yet to ask, "Well, I think I'm done here." I told the pseudo musician, not wanting to risk having to endure another "performance." As I shook his hand, I looked him right in the eye and lied, "Thanks Carl, it's been fun." "I'm here every Tuesday and Thursday weather permitting." he reminded me as I turned to leave. "I'll be back." I said, no longer able to look him in the eye.
As I was walking away, the opening notes of "Cars" by 80's super creep Gary Neuman began to fill the air. "You got out just in time." I said to myself.
Others weren't so lucky.
This is by far my favorite!
It was inspired by your Adam Ant pic ;-)
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